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Price: [Sold out]-
Goods name:
[Sold out]K1-Tetsu shibo Kin Urushi Nuri momonarikabuto one shikoro(MOMOYAMA) K1-鉄皱金漆塗桃形兜 一枚しころ (桃山期)
Goods No:
Transport costs: inquiry

Product Name: Tetsu shibo Kin Urushi Nuri momonarikabuto one shikoro


Material: iron

Introduction: Japan's Warring States period, the kabuto style used by military commanders in the western region very much, one shikoro, more convenient for combat, good vision, the shape of momonarikabuto is more conducive to resisting muskets, typical mabisashi of the momoyama era, well preserved, Commerce does not include wooden stand

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