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Copper statue 置物
[Sold out]  kyoun sign Japanese Antiques HAWK (MEIJI)
暁雲作 古銅造 鷹置物 暁曇作(明治期)
[Sold out]  Gold and silver inlaid longevity old statue (MEIJI)
朧銀夀老人 金銀象嵌 在銘 (明治期)
[Sold out]  T1-Copper mosaic vase (MEIJI)
T1-義石銘 銀粒象嵌彫金浮刻貝文花生 花器
[Sold out]  Gold plated silver inlaid basaltic silver+copper statue (MEIJI)
鍍金 嵌銀 玄武水晶球銀銅交置物 (明治期)
[Sold out]  Hato Japanese Antiques (MEIJI)
[Sold out]  Bud shape Incense burner(MEIJI)
[Sold out]  NOU copper statue
鍍金銀 能 銅置物 光義作 小鍛冶
[Sold out]  Gold-plated Silver incense burner Ghost copper statue (MEIJI)
鬼托香炉 鍍金银 銅置物 (明治期)
[Sold out]  Kill the Dragon copper statue (MEIJI)
龍退治 銅置物 (明治期)
[Sold out]  Hercules Lift Incense burner copper statue (Showa)
力士托香炉 銅置物 (昭和期)
[Sold out]  Japan (Akagane 5% Gold) dragon incense burner (MEIJI 1890-1910)
獸耳龍紋四方 赤銅香炉(明治期)
[Sold out]  Yamamoto Gushan production - Dharma copper statue (MEIJI)
山本孤山作-達摩像銅置物 (明治期)
[Sold out]  Civet cats Dharma copper statue (MEIJI)
福雲作 タヌキ達摩像銅置物 (明治期)
[Sold out]  Gold-plated Silver incense burner Ghost copper statue (MEIJI)
鬼托香炉 鍍金银 銅置物 (明治期)
[Sold out]   Long-lived person Copper statue
日本国宝级作家:野上龍起作 寿老人 銅器置物
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