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Price: inquiry
Goods name:
A1-Saotome ienaga Myochin muneyoshi Dragon uchidashi 5 Mai Dou gusoku(EDO) A1-兜銘:早乙女家長 胴銘:明珍紀宗吉 鉄錆地龍打出五枚胴具足(江戸期)
Goods No:
Transport costs: inquiry

Product Name: Saotome ienaga Myochin muneyoshi Dragon uchidashi 5 Mai Dou gusoku

Age: EDO

Material: Iron


Kabuto with Saotome ienaga's signature. The hachibanza is exquisitely carved. There is kamon on Hukigaeshi. Very good iron.

Ryubu MENPO from tetusabiji. There are two very sharp cheekbones on the face.

Dragon uchidashi 5 Mai Dou. On the side of Dou is the author's signature Myochin Muneyoshi.

The design of Long uchidashi is very exquisite and realistic. There are five Sanskrit characters on the back of the dou. They are all kinzogan. The body is very, very heavy.

The entire set of armor is well preserved. Museum level collectibles.

Commerce does not include wood stand

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