Japanese Samurai Armor (YOROI); Samurai Helmet(KABUTO) ; Samurai Mask(MENPO) ;Buddhist art:Other World Antiques for Sale and Purchase
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Price: 1500000JPY
Goods name:
A1-Kuro Urushi Nuri Tetsu shibokawa hon Iyo-zane dou maru gusoku(MOMOYAMA) A1-黑漆塗鉄皱革包本伊予札胴丸具足(桃山期)
Goods No:
Transport costs: inquiry

Product Name: Kuro Urushi Nuri Tetsu shibokawa hon Iyo zane dou maru


Material: Iron


In the Momoyama era, Yoroi features a practical style of design.

Tetsu Kuro Urushi Nuri uchidashi has a kawarikabuto in the shape of a very deep uchidashi. Pair with a Tetsu Kuro Urushi Nuri hanpo.

Kuro Urushi Nuri Tetsu shibokawa hon Iyo zane dou maru. In order to make it more convenient to wear in war, materials made of iron and leather were used.

Three well preserved items.

The armor of the Momoyama era, which is in such a good condition, is very rare.

Armor paired with a box.

A good collectible.

Commerce does not include wood stand

E-mail: baiguixiu@hotmail.com
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