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Price: 1,200,000JPY
Goods name:
K5-Tetsu Sabiji Yon mai Hari Uri kata kawari kabuto(MOMOYAMA) K5-鉄錆地四枚張瓜形変兜(桃山期)
Goods No:
Transport costs: inquiry

Product Name: Tetsu Sabiji Yon mai Hari Uri kata kawari kabuto


Material: Iron

Introduction: Kabuto is made of four pieces of iron. There are many hoshi of uchidashi on Kabuto, huge vertical stripes. Red mabisashi, kamon on hukigaeshi, exquisite stripe decoration on hukigaeshi and brim, hukigaeshi can move, I think it is specially designed to avoid the shooting of muskets.
The overall shape is very unique, high-level collection.

Commerce does not include wood stand

E-mail: baiguixiu@hotmail.com
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